TBT: Our 1 Year Anniversary

3824_82848211818_1560725_nMay 16, 2009

I always think it’s very telling that my husband and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary AFTER we got married lol

You know you got married quickly when you don’t even make it to your first milestone as a boyfriend/girlfriend couple.

We still celebrated our 1 year anniversary of being together, even though we had been married for 3 months by the time it came around. I wanted to acknowledge the landmark, it was the first time I had ever experienced a 1-year anniversary. My longest relationship before Jeremy was only 3 months!

Sometimes I think I’m crazy for marrying the first guy I ever had a long-term relationship with. But I guess when you know, you know. There is no need to date and sample all the fish in the sea when you find the right fish on your first cast. (like that fishing metaphor? lol)

We did the typical date night, a fancy dinner at a restaurant over looking the water at sunset. Jeremy even wore a polo shirt! Fancy ๐Ÿ˜‰


Anniversary Celebration Recap

The last entry in the Newley Wed Link-Up: 1-year Anniversary Recap

Alison & Jeremy

1-Year Anniversary

February 14, 2010

Jeremy and I had big plans for our 1-year anniversary. He came back just week or so before our anniversary, after being in Florida for 5 months. He had made a reservation for us to go on a weekend retreat through the military discount store (ITT), with horseback riding and a cabin of our own.

Unfortunately, when he came home and went to confirm our reservation, he was informed that they lost our information, and the retreat was sold out ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

So we had to improvise. And let me just say, for anyone that is setting a wedding date, do not get married on Valentines Day! It sounds romantic, and you will never forget your anniversary, but everything is 100x busier and 100x more expensive.

So there we were, a week before our anniversary/Valentines Day and no reservations anywhere. He tried to get us on a harbor cruise, he tried wine tasting, so many places and they were all booked for Valentines Day.

In the end, we decided to just have a picnic. We picked up some food and drove up to Mt. Soledad, which has an amazing view of San Diego. It was crowded with other couples, but it was simple and relaxing.

We ended up making it a tradition, we’ve gone to Mt. Soledad every year since then for our anniversary (the ones he is home for, at least).



View from Mt. Soledad