It’s Official…I’m Moving to Wisconsin!

It’s officially happening…I’m moving to Wisconsin in July!

On Tuesday I got an offer from my second choice job, on Wednesday I put in my 2 weeks notice, on Thursday we put in our 30 day notice at our apartment, and on Friday I ACCEPTED a job offer from my first choice job.

My last day of work will be July 30th. I’ll then be driving up to SLO to spend the 4th of July with my family. When I get home, it will be packing time! I will probably start my drive to Wisconsin on Thursday…me, my cat and my dog for 3 days in a car. Send me good vibes haha.

I’m really excited for this change, but at the same time nervous. I haven’t moved to a new city since I moved to San Diego for college 8 years ago. Now I’m an adult, married, and moving with a job lined up.

I’m so happy with how things are falling into place. I was very nervous for Jeremy’s EAS…with money, the move, insurance, etc. Now it will be a mostly smooth transition for us. I will move in July to start my new job and he will join me in September when he gets out. Insurance, income, housing…it will all be taken care of by me so he can come home to a settled house!

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